Ekaterina Uvarova is a guitarist and a lutenist based in the Netherlands. Born in Siberia, she began her musical career with a classical guitar. After obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree cum laude and the top score for her final performance in Moscow, she came to the Netherlands to obtain her Master’s Degree in the Netherlands with the outstanding professor Johan Fostier at Fontys (Tilburg) with a scholarship supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands and FHK.
In 2022, she was admitted to The Royal Conservatoire in the Hague to study lute, theorbo and baroque guitar at the Early Music department with professors Joachim Held (Germany) and Mike Fentross (the Netherlands). In 2023, in addition to Early Music instruments, she was admitted to the Classical department of the Conservatoire to study romantic guitar as a minor education with Fernando Cordas (the Netherlands).
Ekaterina is a prize-winner of the Dutch Guitar Foundation Competition (2022) and other 13 international and national competitions. She performed solo live on the Dutch state radio NPO Radio 4 and on the radio Concertzender with a clarinettist. Also, she had the honour to perform at many prestigious halls such as Muziekgebouw in Eindhoven and the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow and beautiful churches of the Netherlands.
Besides her solo performances, Ekaterina is passionate about chamber music. As a classical guitarist, she is a part of two duos: with clarinettist Eduardo Villarroel Mera (Spain), Duo Eka & Edu, and with violinist Alexandra Leonova (Russia-Belgium), Muselia Duo. With these two duos, she actively performs in the Netherlands and in Belgium.
In addition, Ekaterina collaborates with contemporary composers. The collaboration with Dutch composer Maurick Reuser resulted in several new pieces for guitar solo and a duo for clarinet and guitar, which were awarded two first prizes at the composers’ competition in Moscow in 2022. This collaboration formed the core of her Master’s thesis, which was about the collaboration between a guitarist and a non-guitar composer.
Ekaterina attended masterclasses with the most important figures of the classical guitar world, such as Leo Brouwer (Cuba), Raphaella Smits (Belgium), Aniello Desiderio (Italy), Stepan Rak (Czech Republic), Carlo Marchione (Italy/The Netherlands), Remi Jousselme (France), Thomas Müller- Pering, (Germany), Otto Tolonen (Finland) and many others.